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North Beverly Elementary School | 48 Putnam St.
Beverly, MA 01915

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Sunday 10:00 AM


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Set Congregation

What is a Citizen?

by on June 22, 2016

When Paul uses the term 'citizen of heaven' (Phil 1:27; 3:20), what does he mean? Does he mean that Christians merely reside in this world but are destined for heaven? Does he intend for our hope to lie in Jesus Christ returning to rescue us from this old world and bring us into His heavenly kingdom where we belong? Or does he mean something completely different?

When Paul wrote his book to the Philippians, being a citizen of Rome was a huge deal. It was a badge of honor that very few people got to wear, and if they had it, they wore it proudly. Being a citizen was one of the most coveted honors an individual could possess. But it was not a destination.

You see, being a citizen of Rome did not require that you live in Rome. In fact, many people who were citizens had NEVER been to Rome. This means that the entire point of being a Roman citizen was NOT to pack up and move to the city, but to bring the benefits and values of Roman culture to the cities you were already living in. Roman citizenship was not about moving to Rome but about living consistently as a Roman wherever you were.

In the same way, when Paul calls us to be citizens of heaven, he is not focusing on heaven as our destination. Instead, he is calling Christians to bring the benefits and values of heaven to the places they are currently living. Paul is calling Christians to live out heaven’s rule so consistently, that the people who live near them will get to taste heaven by being near them. Being a citizen of heaven is bringing God’s rule, values, culture, and benefits to bear on all the places in this world where His rule has not yet come.

One day we will enter eternity, and we will live forever with our God. But, until then, we can show a dying world what heaven looks like by living it out in front of them. We can show them the benefits and blessings of God’s coming kingdom by showing them how our lives are submitted to His Gospel. We can show them the freedom we have in Christ, the redemption we have been given, and the blessings that are found in following God.

That is what a citizen of heaven looks like - someone who brings heaven’s values to bear on every situation they are in. How will you live as a citizen of heaven?